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Cedar Park School

Be Kind. Be Inspired. Believe.

Year 3

laughWelcome to Year 3laugh


A very warm welcome back to the Summer Term in year 3.

We are looking forward to hearing all your news!



18/6/21- class photos will be taken. 


We both hope you have had a wonderful break with your families. Please read below to check for updates on what is required on which days, including which days your child will have PE.


Our PE slots for the first half of the Summer Term will be on a Tuesday and a Friday. Tuesdays will be the Year 3/4 bubble's day in the Hall so we will have a small assembly that morning and the use of the Hall for PE in the afternoon. As we are now back in school uniform it is important to wear suitable clothing and footwear for PE days. Earrings must be taken out for PE and we would thoroughly recommend not wearing them on days when there is PE. Friday is our outside PE day as before.


  • Things to bring:


      Monday-reading record, homework diary, and library books (will be changed every other week)

      Thursday - spelling book, homework diary, reading books, and return completed homework.


  • The topic of this term is Ancient Egypt. 
  • Every Thursday the children will continue to have their spellings and cracking times tables check.
  • Homework will be given every Friday to return on the following Thursday. Please let us know if the child needs more help to complete the given work.

Reading Record Books - Parents are asked to continue to read and discuss texts with children and record a minimum of 4 sessions a week in the Reading Record Book, which will be checked on Mondays. We are trying something slightly different this year so there is a different look to the Reading Record and it includes suggested activities that can be done.

We will visit the Library when it is our turn on the rota so children will always have the opportunity to change their books and we also have a range of books in the classroom. We can’t stress enough the importance of reading and understanding a text as it is vital to access so much of the curriculum.


This term the children will be completing a "Reading River" project. The idea is that the children find opportunities to read in many contexts in their everyday life. They need to bring in evidence- in photograph form or cutting out extracts- to show what they have read. This evidence can include maps, recipes, food packaging, subtitles on the tele, information boards, road signs, game instructions and anything else they can think of. As a class, we will be collecting in as much evidence across the term as we can for different text-types which will be displayed on our 'river' in our classroom. Please encourage the children to take part at home. They will also have opportunities at school.

Home Learning Diaries - Children should write Home Learning tasks and any reminders in their Home Learning Diary every day. If there is no Home Learning they should write “No HL” so parents know they haven’t just forgotten to write it down! Please sign the diaries over the weekend as these will be checked on Monday each week. This is an excellent way to communicate too, so feel free to send any non-urgent messages using it. Diaries should be in school every day.

PE & Games - Please note that Gym and Dance inside will be done in bare feet unless there is a medical need for shoes to be worn in which case a letter detailing this will be required. 

Uniform - We remind you that children are expected to set a good example and look smart at all times. Hair should be tied back with plain hair ties and clips of a colour which blends in with school uniform. Ear studs are permitted as the only type of jewellery but nothing else.


Pencil Cases - Pencil cases will continue to not be required in school. Please send your child in with the equipment they need and we will then provide a ziplock wallet for them to store their equipment in. This makes wiping down of equipment far easier so we thank you for your help with this. Whilst we have spares, we please ask that your child has all the equipment needed and spares as we want to minimise the amount of sharing of resources where possible.

Trips Given the current situation, no trips have been booked at present. We will update on this throughout the year and it may be that enrichment activities are provided on the school site rather than making trips out this year.


Finally, please communicate with us as it is important that your child is happy in school and making good progress. This is more difficult than normal in the current climate but please contact the office via phone or email and we will ring back as soon as possible.

'Working together to be the best we can.'

Mrs Basu & Mrs Harper

In these documents, parents can find some guidance on the Year 3 English curriculum. We hope this will be a useful document to inform you about our expectations in this subject.

Turning on the subtitles while children are watching television can help their reading.

World Book Day

Year 3 had fun drawing on the windows to bring the festive spirit into the classroom.

The children enjoyed making Stone Age antler headdresses.

Our Reading Tree , Well done Year 3 We won!

Animal Dance-Lion King

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In dance we have been creating different animal movements to Disney's Lion King. The children learnt how to join movements and then they choreographing and performed their dance in a group, listening to and sharing ideas. We think they did a wonderful job.

Harvest Poem

Still image for this video