Cedar Park Goes Green
Cedar Park Goes Green Day 2nd December 2022
Whole School:
Everybody on the day is to be an Eco Monitor. We must all make sure:
- Lights are turned off when not needed or people are not in the room
- Heating is only on when required
- Teacher’s Screens are off when not being used
- Doors are closed to keep heat in
- No taps are left running
Whole School Competition: Design an eco way of making power at CP. Produce a piece of Art Work that shows this. Wind turbine, Solar, Hydroelectric etc. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zshp34j/articles/zntxgwx
Lunch challenge - Minimum waste: MDS challenge to have as little waste as possible. Ch to try and eat what is on their plate so no waste. Packed lunches, everything in there in terms of packaging should be able to be re-used or recycled.
Recycling challenge – which class will have the least recycling as they have thought carefully about their use of paper today? Bring recycling boxes to assembly.
Bins challenge - which class will have the least rubbish in their bin today? Mr Eales will bring the school bins to assembly so we can see how much waste there is in school each day – awareness.
Earth hour: 11-12: lights, computers, heaters all off. Maths can be done using Textbooks and Practice books. Can we do a whole hour? https://www.earthhour.org/
Yr 5&6 - Mr Eales’ Projects: Changing lights across the school to LED lights over the coming years. He would also like solar powered lights for outside areas. We will need to fundraise for this. Yr 5&6 to write letters to MPs, Parish Council, local Companies etc. expressing our desire to be Greener and after funds to help with these projects. Or research the 2 projects to find out how much this might cost. https://ukenergywatch.co.uk/sectors/schools/school-led-lighting/#:~:text=Benefits%20of%20LED%20Lighting%20in,levels%20for%20health%20and%20safety
Yr 3&4 – Make our site Environmentally friendly: During the day, ch to litter sweep the site. We have litter grabbers and gloves to help with this.
Yr 1&2 & EYFS – Sustainable snacks: We would like to be able to grow our own snacks in the future. This is the wrong time of year to do this but preparing the allotment areas will make us ready for next year. We can then grow some of our snacks and even pumpkins to sell at Halloween next year! Prepare the garden area and chose what we would like to grow.
After the day, each class must appoint an Eco monitor or 2 to keep up the good work.
We will do further recycling and bin checks unannounced to see how good we are.
School Council will work on an Eco Policy for the school.