Year 3
Welcome to the Summer term in Year 3
Thank you to all the parents and children for all your support and the wonderful and generous gift that we have received. It has been a pleasure to teach our lovely, lively year 3 bunch. We hope you all have an enjoyable Summer break.
We wish them luck for Year 4.
Kind regards,
Year 3 Team.
This term Mrs Basu will be teaching Monday to Wednesday and Thursday morning. Thursday afternoon will be taught by Mrs Cook and Mr Smith will be teaching on Friday. Mrs Sirrell will continue to support learning in class from Monday to Thursday.
- The topic of this term is Ancient Egyptian.
- Every Thursday the children will continue to have their spelling and cracking times tables test. Children have learnt their 2, 5, 10 times tables in year 2 and 3,4,6,8 in year 3 already. By year 4 they need to learn their times table up to 12. It is important to practise this at home as this will help them to gain confidence in Maths. They can go on Times tables rockstar as well to practise.
Reading Books - Parents are asked to continue to listen to the children while they read and discuss texts ( following the Reading Vipers document below) and record a minimum of 5 sessions a week. There is a KS2 reading guide emailed to the parents and children can complete the different reading tasks of their choice to earn house points.
We will visit the Library when it is our turn so children will always have the opportunity to change their books and we also have a range of books in the classroom. We can’t stress enough the importance of reading and understanding a text as it is vital to access so much of the curriculum.
Home Learning Diaries - we have stopped using these diaries as the information was repetitive and you can find them here.
Home Learning-Home learning will be given on Thursday to return by next Thursday.
PE & Games - Our PE slots for this term will be on a Tuesday(indoor) and Thursday (outdoor). It is important to wear PE kit for PE days. Earrings must be taken out for PE and we would thoroughly recommend not wearing them on days when there is PE.
Uniform - We remind you that children are expected to set a good example and look smart at all times. Hair should be tied back with plain hair ties and clips of a colour that blends in with the school uniform. Ear studs are permitted as the only type of jewellery but nothing else.
Pencil Cases - Please send your child in with the equipment they need and we will then provide a ziplock wallet for them to store their equipment in. In year 3 the children need to bring from home:
- Pencils
- Eraser
- Sharpener
- Ruler
- Colouring pencils
- Glue sticks
- Whiteboard pens
Please kindly replenish them as and when required.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
(please continue to record your reading here and any challenge you undertake to earn house points) |
Finally, please communicate with us as it is important that your child feels happy and safe in school and is making good progress. You can catch either of us on the playground at the end of the day or you can contact the office via phone or email and we will get back to you are soon as possible.
'Working together to be the best we can.'
Mrs Basu & Mr Smith