Year 4
Welcome to the Year 4 page!
Welcome to the Summer Term! We are looking forward to an exciting term, where we begin a new topic theme and look to spend time learning outside the classroom. We shall be continuing our tri-school literacy project, competing in Sports Day events and even performing our class assembly.
Summer Term
As a class, we shall be travelling back in time as we study Ancient Roman culture in a topic that will link back to our work on the Greeks and then consider how our lives in Britain have been impacted by this Empire.
In Literacy lessons we will be continuing to develop both our narrative and non-fiction writing. We will explore how to report news, consider how writing can be adapted for specific age groups and studying films in a project that will links to our work with other schools. In grammar sessions, we will continue to improve our accuracy with using adverbials, working to accurately punctuate speech and considering how apostrophes can be used to show possession.
In Maths this term, our lessons will explore area, shape and location. We will also be aiming to gain a strong foundation in our previous areas of learning, using our knowledge creatively and flexibly, in new or unfamiliar situations.
Our learning in Science this Term will be the topic of Humans and Animals. This will include studying the human digestive system (that may get a bit messy), teeth and animals and their habitats.
Children's Aims
In Year 4 we all want to enjoy our learning and try our best in everything we do. We aim to set a good example throughout the school by incorporating our core School and British values in everything that we do and by developing Growth Mindsets! We act as role models for younger children and support each other throughout our learning.
Our Team
Year 4 at Cedar Park are currently taught by Mr Spurway and are supported by several fantastic teaching assistants. During the year, we will aim to supplement classroom learning through a variety of exciting experiences that will include special theme days, trips, visitors and outdoor learning.
We hope that all children enjoy Year 4, approach learning in a positive way and develop their independence in order to become enthusiastic, life-long learners.
Useful information
- PE this half-term will swimming (which takes place on Thursdays) and gymnastics (Monday). The children will therefore need their indoor PE kit in school this term.
- Reading Records will be checked on a Monday.
- Topic or Literacy homework will be set on Friday for the following Tuesday.
- Maths homework will be set Wednesdays and due in Friday of the same week.
- Spellings will be set and tested on a Tuesday.
- We visit the Library every Wednesday afternoon
- Other homework will be set as required but I recommend the children continue to spend time learning multiplication tables and reading regularly.
- Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourite!
Any questions or queries, please feel free to make an appointment through the office, or send an email to, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.