Year 5
Year 5 Summer Term
I hope you have all had a relaxing and enjoyable Easter break. It has been lovely to see everyone refreshed and eager to learn even more in the summer term.
This term Mr. Thompson will be teaching children throughout the week, with Mr. Schofield continuing to support learning in the mornings. Children will be taught by Mrs. Cook on Wednesday mornings.
Please do check our Summer Term Curriculum news for information about what we will be learning this term.
I am also excited to announce that our residential trip to Woodrow is less than 2 month away! Please join us on Wednesday 18th May at 5pm when we will be sharing all the key information with parents.
Mr. Thompson
Useful Information
P.E. days are Wednesdays and Fridays, please come dressed for P.E. on those days.
Spellings will be sent home on Fridays for a test the following Thursday.
Home Learning Diaries - we have stopped using these diaries as the information was repetitive and you can find them here.
English Home Learning will be sent home on a Friday to be handed in the following Friday
Maths Home Learning will be set on a Friday to be handed in the following Friday.
Please be ready to learn with a well-stocked pencil case and the correct uniform. Name everything please so we can return it quickly should it become lost.
We hope you have a fantastic time with us but should there be anything worrying you or any questions please contact the school office and we can telephone or email you as soon as we are able.
Mr Thompson