Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Wishing you all a very happy New Year 2025!
After a very busy Autumn term, we are excited to welcome your child back to school for the Spring term!
Our PE slots for this half-term will be on Thursday and Friday
PE days are Thursday and Friday. This term, our units of work will be Gymnastics and Football.
Children need to ensure that they are wearing the correct kit, which includes trainers, black shorts or jogging bottoms, their house t-shirt and a jumper for outdoor lessons.
As we aim to be outdoors, please bring appropriate layers as the weather changes throughout the term. Earrings must be taken out for PE and we would thoroughly recommend not wearing them on days when there is PE.
The Curriculum News outlines the topics we will be focusing on in each area of the curriculum during the Spring Term and we hope you will continue to support your children at home with reading and remembering their times tables. Uniform - I remind you that Children are expected to look smart at all times. Hair should be tied back with plain hair ties and clips of a colour which blends in with school uniform. Ear studs are permitted but nothing else.
School Councillors
This year, our school councillors are Finlay & Jenson. They were voted in by our class in October and their responsibilities are to attend councillor meetings, share their peers’ ideas and feedback and work with other councillors to make our school as environmentally-friendly as possible!
This year, we have the privilege of being MITPs, where we support all pupils in the playground by encouraging kindness and modelling behaviour.
Trips - We are in the process of organising some school trips and visits so please watch this space and we will update as and when trips are confirmed.
Reading - I encourage you to continue to sign your child's reading record and ensure they are recording in it and returning it to me by Thursday. The Library books will be changed each Tuesday when one is returned.
Finally, please communicate with me if you have any questions as it is important that your child is happy in school and making good progress.