Year 5
Hi Year 5!
I hope you are all enjoying your summer holidays.
I've popped into school today to receive a lovely voucher for a Champagne Afternoon Tea from you all. I love afternoon tea so this will be a really special treat.
I appreciate it and can't wait to use it over the next year.
Thank you very much!! :)
See below for some fantastic photos of our final Topic Day! It was a lot of fun.
I hope to see you all soon,
Miss Campanini
Year 5 Message

Sports Day
Friday 2nd July saw Years 5 and 6 compete in their annual sports day. Whilst things were a little different this year, the children really enjoyed themselves and relished the opportunity to participate in the events.
This year we were able to vary the events that the children were able to compete in, and we were also able to introduce two longer running races, the 400m and 800m. As in previous years, the children were not only competing against each other but they were also competing for their house in the overall house competition.
Here are some of the pictures of the Year 5 children.
Year 5 have been working hard to create broom adverts to sell a broom they designed in groups. We were inspired to create brooms after reading the first couple of chapters of Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone.
We created brooms that had special features, were unique and were successful at doing their job.
After that, we discussed what made an advert successful and watched real adverts for inspiration. Then we were ready to create our own advert to sell, what we thought, was the best broom in the business!
Can you spot any of these features in the adverts below?
- Rhetorical questions
- Slogans
- Positive language
- Exaggeration
- Special features mentioned
- Bargain price/money off
Let us know if you would like to buy any of our brooms (we'll give you a discount)! Enjoy watching :)
Frazer's Group Broom Advert

Caitlin's Group Broom Advert

Rhome's Group Broom Advert

Madison's Group Broom Advert

Milo.K's Group Broom Advert

As a class we have been reviewing the pros and cons of social media, helped by a visit from local police officers recently.
The children have learned about what a digital footprint is and how our digital footprints form our 'digital self'. Having a clean record online is so important for our future and for our reputation.
See an introduction by Callum below and then a video from the whole class who have explained it further...Enjoy
Callum's Introduction-1.m4v

Digital Footprint

Our Rotation Posters

We had a lot of fun designing posters to explain what 'Rotation' means in our solar system.
They are going to look great on display in our classroom!
Summer 2:
We hope everyone has had a restful half term ready for our final half term of Year 5! Time is flying by.
Please use the Year 5/6 reading list (copy attached at the bottom of this page), detailing books that are recommended to challenge your child's reading ability. We have been discussing in class about the children choosing something unusual, stepping out of their comfort zone of familiar authors and trying something new!
This may be a useful document for you to use as a checklist at home.
There is also a grammar terminology poster at the bottom of the page for parents to refer to if the children are completing home learning using tricky grammatical terms.
Staff in Year 5:
Teacher- Miss Campanini
Teacher (Wednesday afternoons) – Mrs Carmichael who will RE, PSHE, French and Art this half term.
Teaching Assistant (Monday-Friday mornings) – Mr Schofield
Other Useful Information:
· PE and Games will be on Mondays and Tuesdays this term. Both afternoons will rotate between Sports Day Practice (Athletics), Rounders and Football. On these days of the week, the children can wear their school PE kit. From Wednesday-Friday, they wear their school uniform.
This half term will be home learning projects. Please see the document at the top of the website outlining which projects the children can choose from.
10 spellings will be set and tested on a Thursday, sometimes based on a spelling rule, and the next set of spellings will be sent out for a test the following Thursday.
Home learning diaries will be checked every Monday so please ensure an adult has signed this in advance so that we can see that the home learning has been acknowledged at home. Do let me know if your child needs help with their home learning, the diary is a good way to communicate with me from home.
This term the children will be completing a "Reading River" project. The idea is that the children find opportunities to read in many contexts in their everyday life. They need to bring in evidence- in photograph form or cutting out extracts- to show what they have read. This evidence can include maps, recipes, food packaging, subtitles on the tele, information boards, road signs, game instructions and anything else they can think of. As a class, we will be collecting in as much evidence across the term as we can for different text-types which will be displayed on our 'river' in our classroom. Please encourage the children to take part at home. They will also have opportunities at school.
Our library day will be fortnightly on Tuesdays.
I will look forward to a successful final term of 'Working together to be the best we can.'
Miss Campanini