Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. At Cedar Park School our vision is to provide a high-quality music education that engages and inspires pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.
Our aim is that all children will build upon their natural responses to music. They will find enjoyment in creating music and see themselves as musicians. We aim to go beyond the Music curriculum and give children the opportunities to explore music through a variety of mediums outside the classroom including class assemblies, productions and developing links with outside agencies which will enrich the music education that we are delivering at Cedar Park School.
The teaching of Music at Cedar Park School reflects the national curriculum and meets statutory requirements. Teaching in Foundation Stage reflects requirements of EYFS.
At Cedar Park we use the music scheme ‘Charanga’. This scheme allows for non-specialist teachers to access the Music Curriculum with ease.
Music at Cedar Park School is delivered by class teachers. In regards to timetabling, each unit lasts 6 weeks at the most. Lessons may be blocked with one longer session in a week or with several shorter sessions across a week, as needed. All children from Year 1 to Year 6 attend a weekly Singing Assembly led by a music specialist.
The way in which our curriculum works, allows us to see visible progress in how children get to grips with ‘pulse’. The curriculum is designed with a heavy emphasis on rhythm and beat, which children demonstrate through clapping, stamping, beating and playing percussion instruments. Children’s sense of pulse is closely monitored and adaptations to teaching can be made based on the levels of progress made.
The children are all involved in performances and some children perform in smaller groups as part of our orchestra, band or choir. We can see through the quality of performance that our music offer has huge impact on the ability of our children as musicians.
What Does Music look like at Cedar Park?
At the beginning of a music unit, each class has the chance to do some music appreciation. This is so that they can familiarise themselves and enjoy different genres of music and start to make links and comparisons between them.
At the start of every lesson, children will compare the appreciated piece of music with another song. This song may or may not be within the same genre. After which, the lesson structure is as follows:
- Warm up games – focus on pulse
- Flexible music games- rhythm, pitch, harmony, timbre
- Learn to sing/play- children will be introduced to a new song or will rehearse a previously taught song
- Play your instrument- our chosen instruments are glockenspiels, recorders and vocals
- Perform
On occasions, children will have the opportunity to compose and perform. This provides opportunity for risk taking, creativity and music flair.
From the Early Years pupils experience playing on a wide variety of percussion instruments for composing and performing activities, to develop a sense of rhythm and pitch. All classes actively participate in school assemblies and productions so all children can perform in front of large or small audiences. Visiting peripatetic music teachers give children the opportunity to take musical interests further. Instrumental lessons are given in: Drums, Piano, Guitar and individual vocal sessions. Our School Choir, which is managed by a music specialist, helps to develop our pupil’s confidence and enjoyment for a life of making music.
Year 5 learn to play a brass instrument for the entirety of the year. They create an orchestra that perform to the rest of the school and parents in July.
Throughout the academic year children across the school are given a wealth of opportunities to take part in musical activities in and outside school, this is sometimes involves outside agencies such as the New Mozart Orchestra. The annual talent show is another opportunity where children get to showcase their musical ability.
Music at Cedar Park for children with SEND
In order for music education to be accessible and inclusive for all, teachers need to anticipate potential barriers for individual learners and consider ways of minimising these to ensure participation. For some learners, music can be a medium to break down barriers that may exist in other curriculum subjects. The nature of the subject allows freedom and flexibility in musical expression, preferences and performance. This is beneficial, not only for musical development, but for the growth of self-confidence and for the fostering of creative flair in all learners.
At Cedar Park, we provide suitable learning opportunities for all pupils by matching the challenge of the task to the individual needs and abilities of each pupil. We will achieve this in a variety of ways, including:
- Pre-expose learners to the content of the lesson, e.g., show them particular instruments and how they are played, share snippets of music and pre-teach musical elements and terminology.
- Ear defenders can enable learners to partake in lessons with more confidence
- Create opportunities for physical contact with instruments and/or sound sources if learners cannot hear sounds clearly. Percussion, stringed, wind and brass instruments all lend themselves well to this.
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