Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
The EYFS Team:
Mrs Franek - Reception teacher, Forest School and Early Years Lead
Mrs Bevins - Nursery teacher (every morning, Monday-Friday) and school SENDCo
and our fantastic teaching assistants
Mrs Delmaine (all day Monday-Thursday)
Mrs Owen (all day Wednesday - Friday)
Mrs Warner (all day Monday, Tuesday and Friday)
Mrs Bevins will cover my admin time every Friday afternoon
We are looking forward to an action packed half term full of fun learning!
Mrs Franek and Mrs Bevins
Our topic for Summer Two is:
'Water (Commotion in the Ocean!)'
Week 1: Sea Animals – under the sea. Do you know what you might find under the sea? How many sea animals can you name? Where will you find coral? What do dolphins eat? Do sharks live in parks or somewhere else? How do you know if there is a shark in the water? What is an ocean? Why is the sea salty? What do we need water for? Can you name different types of water sources, for example, a lake?
Key texts: Shark in the Park, by Nick Sharratt / The Snail and the Whale, by Julia Donaldson
Can you draw a picture of your favourite sea creature and label it? Can you find out some information about sharks – one or two facts?
Week 2: Sea Animals – rock pools / spending time on a beach. Have you ever been to the seaside? How did you get there? What is a steam train? What is a lighthouse? How many things could you do on a beach? What is a seagull? Do you know the name of the largest sea creature in the world? Are there some sea creatures that have a shell or live on rocks? Which sea creatures might you find living in a rock pool? What is seaweed?
Key texts: The Train Ride, by June Crebbin / The Rainbow Fish, by Marcus Pfister
Can you make a train ticket and write your name and where you are travelling to on it? Can you make a lighthouse using junk materials?
Week 3: Pirates. Do you know any pirate songs or rhymes? What is a pirate ship’s flag called?
Key texts: Various picture story books, poems and rhymes
Can you make a flag for a pirate’s ship or a treasure map? Can you make a treasure box using junk materials? What would you put inside it? Can you write one or two sentences about a pirate adventure, for example, finding treasure on an island or travelling on a stormy sea?
Week 4: Travelling by water. Can you describe a ferry? What is a cargo ship and what might it carry? How many water vehicles can you name? What is a hovercraft? What is a journey? What is a cruise? Can you name somewhere you have travelled to and what did you do there? Can you describe a map? Name some oceans - how many do you know?
Key texts: Oliver Who Travelled Far and Wide and non-fiction books
Try making some of the following things:
- A map
- A travel page of your favourite place and then add some labels? For example, a beach scene and label it ‘rock pool’ / ‘sandcastle’ / ‘beach hut’ / ‘crab’ / ‘picnic food’ etc.
- A holiday travel ticket or voucher – don’t forget to add you name and how much the ticket cost
- A water safety poster
Please do share your ideas with us.
Week 5: Superheroes – water safety and sport’s week. What is a superhero? Can you name some superhero characters? What sort of power would you like to have and why? Do you know how to be safe when you’re near water? Be a brilliant superhero and find out some important facts about staying safe when you’re near any type of water. What power could you have using water? How strong are you? What sort of super things can you do, for example ride a bike, skip, run fast and change directions, jump, hop, set the table, wash-up, make your bed etc? Can anyone be a superhero? Can you name some water sports? Are you learning to swim?
Key texts: Nat Fantastic, by Giles Andreae / Super Daisy, by Kes Gray
Can you write a message to a superhero to find out more about them? Or write a sentence about your favourite superhero character and share it with our class? You could draw your superhero and add a speech bubble with some action words, for example Pow! And Zap!
Weeks 6 and 7: New adventures. What is an adventure? Can you talk about one of your favourite adventures? Who was with you and what exciting things did you do?
Look out for information about a special EYFS event in school!
Key text: Various
Please feel free to add any learning on to Tapestry and we can show the class.
We wish you all a very happy summer break. Have lots of fun before your new adventures in Year One!
Habits of Mind:
There will be a different growth mindset focus each week (some will be repeated to match a topic area or event). Please ask your child to tell you about our 'I can....' achievements board and our class rainbow and magic cloud.
Week 1: Wow (Proud of what I can do)
Week 2: Try Something New (Have a go Hero)
Week 3: Using All Senses (Super Explorer)
Week 4: Perseverance (Keep It Up Captain)
Week 5: Try Something New (Have a go Hero)
Week 6: Find Out More (Link and Learn)
Week 7: Wow (Proud of what I can do)
Growth Mindset:
Please talk to your child about Ruby Reflection and Robert Resilience. What do Ruby and Robert like to do in school?
A weekly guide:
Show and Tell: (one topic related item only)
We will advise you when this activity will be starting - please do NOT send any items into school at the moment.
Wednesday (return day):
Reading and shared reading books, reading records and library books:
These need to be returned so they can be changed and ready to go home every Friday. Nursery children will not have a shared book until later in the spring term.
Reading and shared reading books and reading records:
Books go home. Please make a short comment about your child's reading and interest in their book/s. If you have any queries, please come and see me. Reading books and records should be kept in your child's book bag every day as they may be shared with an adult in school (see above for return details).
PE Day:
PE takes place either in the school hall or outside (weather permitting). Children can come dressed in PE kit (House t-shirts are optional for children in Nursery). If you wish to purchase a House t-shirt, please contact us if you unsure which House your child is in.
Library Day:
We have a fantastic school library with an excellent range of picture books for our EYFS children to enjoy choosing from and to share with their family at home.
We plan to visit the library every Friday to select one book to take home every week. Please make sure that your child's library book is returned the following Wednesday morning, or when they are next in school for their usual session later in the week. Unfortunately, we are not able to issue a new book unless the previous one has been returned.
General Information:
Further information about the EYFS can be found on 'Parent Zone' - 'Information for EYFS Parents'
Useful reminders:
A water bottle and warm waterproof coat should be brought into school every day.
We are looking forwards to getting to know the children and finding out about their interests and learning styles. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns about your child's wellbeing or learning during their time with us.
Best wishes
Mrs Franek and Mrs Bevins
'Working together to be the best we can.'