Year 1
Welcome to the Year 1 page
We hope you have all had a fantastic Easter break and are ready for some more learning!
In Year 1 we use the ‘carousel’ approach in the mornings. This means the children will complete four activities (English or maths based) across the morning. For two of these activities the children will work with an adult. One activity is independent and the other is a choosing based activity in our outside area and quiet room. In the afternoons we cover our current topic (history, geography, design and technology and art), music, science, Physical Education (PE), Religious Education (RE) and Physical, Social and Health Education (PSHE).
Year 1 team
Miss Tonna is the Year 1 class teacher and Mrs Harper teaches the children on Tuesday mornings. Mrs Verrall supports the children in the mornings and some afternoons.
Summer Term learning
Our focus this term is pirates. We will be exploring a range of pirate stories and poems- this links to our topic learning about the seaside. In writing, we will continue to encourage the children to use their phonics to spell words, and to use a word mat to learn the spellings of tricky words. We will focus on correct punctuation (capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks) when joining sentences to form longer pieces of writing. We always encourage the children to reread and edit their writing.
The areas of maths we will be covering this term are multiplication and division, fractions, position and direction, place value and measurement (money and time).
The children will continue learning about plants. Our other topic this term is everyday materials.
Our first topic is seaside holidays in the past. This history based topic where the children will use photographs as historical sources, to discover what seaside holidays were like during the Victorian era. They will also develop understanding as to why seaside holidays became so popular. Our second topic is Grace Darling. The children will learn about Grace Darling’s life and compare it to their own. They will also learn about Grace’s famous rescue and think about why she is a famous person in history.
If you would like some more information about our learning in the Summer term, please look at the Curriculum News document.
Learning at home
Please record any reading at home in your child's reading record. We encourage the children to read at least four times a week, if they do, they will get a sticker put in their reading record. Once they have ten stickers, we congratulate them with a reading certificate.
Home learning
Your child will have one piece of home learning a week. This may be phonics, English, maths or a topic based task.
Words for Writing
‘Words for Writing’ will be sent home on a Friday on a look, cover, write and check sheet for the children to complete. Please take a few minutes each day to complete a column rather then completing the whole sheet in one sitting. Little and often is considered a more effective approach for learning new words. The words will either be common exception words or based on a phonic pattern.
Our week
In the first half of the Summer term children will have a drama lesson with Preimer Sport coach.
Children will visit the school library and will be able to choose two books to take home. These books must be brought back the following week in order for the children to swap these for new books.
Reading books will be sent home on a Wednesday and need to be returned to school the following Wednesday.
‘Words for Writing’ will be collected. The children will be asked to spell these words and their results will be recorded on their sheet for you to see.
Home learning will be collected.
Children have games on a Thursday morning and in the second half of the Summer term the children will have swimming. For swimming the children need a named swimming costume, hat, goggles and towel.
‘Words for Writing’ will be sent home, which will be returned to school the following Thursday.
The children will receive home learning to complete, which will be returned to school the following Thursday.
Other information
Please send in a named water bottle for classroom use, this is additional to the lunchtime drink. If you wish, you may also send in a named healthy snack for morning break. A piece of fruit or vegetable is provided for afternoon break.
We would really appreciate it if your child could have a school book bag to bring all their home learning, words for writing and books to and from school. We like the book bags to go in drawers in the classroom so that the children do not need to go to the cloakroom to collect things.
A named PE kit and trainers should remain in school all the time.
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to make an appointment through the office, or send an email to and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Miss Tonna
Kew Gardens

Year 1 and Year 3 book sharing on World Book Day

Year 1 welcomed Paddington Bear to Cedar Park School
Year 1 had some animal visitors!

Festival of triangles

Braille biscuits
Guide dog visit

Fun in the snow!

Snowmen puppets
Preparing fruit and vegetables

Our trip to the Park Parade shops