Year 4
Home Learning During School Closure: This is the last week of home learning as next week's sheet is included below. Remember to read the weekly letter to the class below for latest updates.
RNLI Water Safety: Please also see the School Newsletter dated 03.07.20
Mental Health and Online Safety During School Closure
Year 4 Class Page
New email address:
Please see the email address below. This has been set up to use during the school closure time, so that the children can use it to send in any letters, questions, photos or examples of learning. We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.
This email is specifically dedicated for the children to use to contact the teacher. If parents have any messages or queries for school
then please still direct them to the school office email address as usual.
Dear Year 4,
We have made it, this will be the last letter and the last lot of remote learning put on the class page! There is the usual learning for the week and then we have just included the one day for the following week as we will get to see you on that Tuesday, the 21st July! The learning for the last week has some suggestions for the summer as having been away for a long time, it would be good if you could keep ticking things over in the summer and really impress Miss Campanini at the start of Yr5. We have both been so impressed with what we have seen you doing so thank you so much for sending us so much of your learning. We can't wait to see you on the 21st.
So our learning this week continues with the end of the Geometry Unit including the End of unit check and Roman Numerals in Maths, you will be learning all about Roman Gods and Goddesses in Writing and our Science does a re-cap of all our home learning. There are also the usual extras of Music and PE which you might like to check out. Keep sending us the emails and your learning and we will keep giving out raffle tickets. We will sort out all the raffle tickets in September when we are all back and it is safe to distribute prizes etc.
Stay safe everyone and be a Stay at Home Superhero!
Have a fantastic Summer, we think everyone deserves a rest and some sunshine!
Mr Smith and Mrs Carmichael
Welcome to 2020 from Mrs Carmichael and myself. Firstly, thank you very much for our hampers for Christmas, we certainly enjoyed the treats inside and it has given us the energy to start this new decade at pace. Please see below for updates on days of when things occur this term. Our new Topic is Rivers and we will continue our Collaborative Writing Project with Widmer End and Manor Farm and will be visiting the National Gallery with them this term. The New Year is always a time for fresh starts and resolutions so I hope we can all start the new term with a positive approach and make good progress with our learning. We welcome Mrs Ward to the class as our TA and she will be in class every morning.
A very busy and exciting year lies ahead and we are all very much looking forward to experiencing Year 4 with you. It will be new for all of us so it is an adventure we can enjoy and learn about together. We will be hitting the ground running as there is so much to squeeze in this year. We can’t wait to get the collaborative writing project with Widmer End and Manor Farm started and we will be using a new Maths scheme called Power Maths this year which is exciting as well. We also have the African drumming and some amazing History topics to look forward to. Please keep checking back here for any updates and key information.
Our PE slots for this half-term will be on a Tuesday and Thursday but the children should have their PE kit in school at all times. Tuesdays will be with Mr Smith, where we plan to be doing badminton each week, and we of course have swimming on a Thursday for the first half term. Please make sure you have the correct kit with you and that as the term progresses you have layers that can be worn outside to keep you warm. Earrings must be taken out for PE and we would thoroughly recommend not wearing them on days when there is PE.
The Curriculum News, available on this web page soon, outlines the topics we will be focusing on in each area of the curriculum during the Spring Term. We hope you will continue to support your children at home with Home Learning activities, especially reading, spellings and learning multiplication tables. There is the new National Times Tables test for Year 4s at the end of the year so that is something we will hope to do really well in as a class. Outside of the above, we will set 2 pieces of Home Learning a week and we would expect the children to spend about 20 minutes on each. Maths will be set on a Wednesday for the following Monday and English set on a Friday for the following Wednesday.
Reading Record Books - Parents are asked to continue to read and discuss texts with children and record a minimum of 4 sessions a week in the Reading Record Book, which will be checked on Mondays. Children should have their reading book in school daily. We will visit the Library regularly so children will always have the opportunity to change their books. We can’t stress enough the importance of reading and the understanding of reading as it is vital to access so much of the curriculum.
Home Learning Diaries - There will be regular Home Learning as mentioned above and we often follow this up in class so please ensure your child completes tasks by the given deadlines. Children should write Home Learning tasks and any reminders in their Home Learning Diary every day. If there is no Home Learning they should write “No HL” so parents know they haven’t just forgotten to write it down! Please sign the diaries over the weekend as these will be checked on Monday each week. This is an excellent way to communicate too, so feel free to send any non-urgent messages using it. Diaries should be in school every day.
PE & Games - Children need to have the correct kit for swimming, indoor and outdoor games lessons. This should include trainers, black shorts and a house T-shirt. When the weather is colder children can wear jogging bottoms and jumpers outside. Gym and Dance inside will be done in bare feet unless there is a medical need for shoes to be worn in which case a letter detailing this will be required.
Uniform - We remind you that children are expected to set a good example and look smart at all times. Hair should be tied back with plain hair ties and clips of a colour which blends in with school uniform. Ear studs are permitted but nothing else.
Trips – With the collaborative writing project, we plan to visit the National Gallery in February. We are also hoping to book in other topic related trips throughout the year so please watch this space for updates.
Finally, please communicate with us as it is important to us that your child is happy in school and making good progress. Feel free to call, email the office, arrange a meeting or speak to us on the playground if we are out there.
'Working together to be the best we can.'
Mr Smith & Mrs Carmichael
Useful Information
Take a look at our Year 4 WOW! Writing by clicking the link below:
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