Year 1
Water Safety
Year 1 Stay at home Superheros
Hello Year 1!
I hope everyone has enjoyed their half term and been out in the lovely sunshine.
You are all doing great with your home learning and thank you so much for sending me photos and emails to let me know how you are getting on. It has been great to hear from you and see so much of what you have been up to at home.
As some year groups will be coming back into school from Monday there will be a slight change in how I post your home learning. I will be involved in teaching some of the children that do come back, so rather than putting your learning on the class page each day, I will aim to put up weekly learning for you to access on the Monday of each week. You can then organise your learning across the week. On the class page there are plenty of links for websites to look at if you would like to try something extra.
You can still email me at and I will reply to you, but it may not be straight away if I am in school. Do still continue to send me all your fantastic learning and I will reply when I can.
Stay safe and keep up the hard work!
From Miss Smyth
Year 1 Home Learning
Sound Collector at the Seaside, by Year 1. (Please send me a line for the poem, if you haven't already, and I will add it in)
New email address.
Please see the email address below. This has been set up to use during the school closure time, so that the children can use it to send in any letters, questions or examples of learning.
This email is specifically dedicated for the children to use to contact the teacher. If parents have any messages or queries for school then please still direct them to the school office email address as usual.
So year 1, would you like to email me?
Best wishes from Miss Smyth
Welcome back from Miss Smyth

Exercise Books
Some of you have let me know that you are coming to the end of the exercise book that was sent home. As we are trying to limit the number of people visiting school, we are unable to provide new ones to you. Please feel free to use any style of notebook/exercise book you already have at home or put paper in the back of the one you are using. If you would like to get a new one we recommend A4 size, with half 12mm lined and half plain to give space for pictures and writing. To those of you who need a new book, well done on keeping up with the home learning!
Summer Term in Year 1
We hope you have all had a fantastic Easter break and are ready for some more home learning! What a strange start to the summer this is.
I would like to say that I hope everyone has enjoyed their Easter break and everyone has had the chance to relax together and make the most of the sun.
If we were in school the Year 1 staff would be as followed: Miss Smyth will be the Year 1 class teacher and Mrs Bevins teaches the children on Thursday and Friday afternoon. Mrs Sirrell supports the children in the afternoons.
Our Summer Term learning
Our focus this term is seaside and pirates. We will be exploring a range of seaside and pirate stories and poems. In writing, we will continue to encourage the children to use their phonics to spell words, and to use a word mat to learn the spellings of tricky words.
The areas of maths we will be covering this term are multiplication and division, fractions, position and direction and place value.
The children will continue learning about plants. Our other topic this term is everyday materials.
Our first topic is seaside holidays in the past. This is a history-based topic where the children look at photographs as historical sources, to discover what seaside holidays were like during the Victorian era and discover why seaside holidays became so popular. Our second topic is Grace Darling. The children will learn about Grace Darling’s life and compare it to their own. They will also learn about Grace’s famous rescue and think about why she is a famous person in history.
Obviously learning will be at home for at least the start of the term. I will continue to put up maths, writing and reading tasks on the web class page each day and there will also be other activities relating to Science, History, Art, Computing, RE, Music and Geography.
The most important thing to do while you are at home is to keep up with the reading, whether is a school book, library book, online books, recipes, comics or magazines.
It ca be tricky to learn from home but do your best and have a go at as many of the activities as you can.
Hopefully we will be back in school soon.
Stay safe and keep smiling.
Miss Smyth
Spring Term in Year 1
Welcome to Spring term in Year 1. I hope everyone had a great Christmas break and we wish you all a Happy New Year. The Year 1 staff would like to say thank you to all the parents who contributed to the gifts we were all given at the end of the Autumn term.
Year 1 team
Miss Smyth will be the Year 1 class teacher and Mrs Bevins will teach the children on Thursday and Friday afternoons. Mrs Verrall will support the children in the mornings and Mrs Sirrell in the afternoons.
Spring Term learning
Our Topic:
Our main topic throughout this term is Bears. The children will learn about different types of bears, their habitats and where in the world they live. We will also follow the journey of Paddington Bear. In the first half term, we will also study the history of Louis Braille, focusing on his contributions and achievements. Our Geography this term will be comparing the UK to Peru, studying the similarities and differences in human and physical features, animals and recognising landmarks in both countries.
During science we will be studying animals and plants. To accompany the plant topic, we aim to visit Kew Gardens, in the second half of the term.
If you would like some more information about our learning in the Spring term, please look at the Curriculum News document.
Learning at home
Please record any reading at home in your child's reading record. We encourage the children to read at least four times a week, if they do, they will get a sticker put in their reading record. Once they have ten stickers, we congratulate them with a reading certificate. Most weeks your child will be heard to read twice so it is important to have the books in school. The children will often have already read the books they come home with at school that week, but it is important to reread books to develop fluency and understanding.
Home learning
Your child will have one piece of home learning a week, sent home on a Friday. This may be phonics, English, Maths or a topic based task.
Words for Writing
‘Words for Writing’ will be sent home on a Friday on a look, cover, write and check sheet for the children to complete. Please take a few minutes each day to complete a column rather than completing the whole sheet in one sitting. Little and often is considered a more effective approach for learning new words. The words will either be common exception words or based on a phonic pattern.
Our week
Children will visit the school library and will be able to choose a book to take home. These books must be brought back the following week for the children to swap these for new books.
We are lucky enough to have a PE Coach in the afternoon teaching gymnastics for the first half term.
‘Words for Writing’ will be collected. The children will be asked to spell these words on Friday and their results will be recorded on their sheet for you to see.
Home learning and reading records will be collected.
Children have PE on a Thursday morning. In the second half of the Spring term the children will have swimming. For swimming the children need a named swimming costume, hat, goggles and towel.
‘Words for Writing’, home learning and reading records, with two new books will be sent home, and will need to be returned to school the following Thursday. In the second half term, the children will have PE in the afternoon.
Other information
Please send in a named water bottle for classroom use, this is additional to the lunchtime drink. If you wish, you may also send in a named healthy snack for morning break. A piece of fruit or vegetable is provided for afternoon break. Your child will be provided with an afternoon snack each day, which will be a piece of fruit or vegetable.
We would really appreciate it if your child could have a school book bag to bring all their home learning, words for writing and books to and from school. We like the book bags to go in drawers in the classroom so that the children do not need to go to the cloakroom to collect things.
A named PE kit and trainers should remain in school all the time. On colder days, children can wear jogging bottoms and jumpers outside.
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to make an appointment through the office, or send an email to and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Miss Smyth
Snowman Puppets and Firework Rockets

Fruit Tasting
Park Parade Trip

Welcome to the Year 1 page
Welcome to Autumn term in Year 1. The children have settled in well with a great start to the year. We look forward to getting to know your children and progressing their learning through creative, fun and supportive learning.
Year 1 team
Miss Smyth is the Year 1 class teacher and Mrs Bevins teaches the children on Thursday and Friday afternoons. Mrs Verrall supports the children in the mornings and Mrs Sirrell in the afternoons.
Autumn Term learning
We will be exploring a range of traditional tales. In writing, we will continue to encourage the children to use their phonics to spell words, and to use a word mat to learn the spellings of tricky words. We will focus on correct punctuation (capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks) when joining sentences to form longer pieces of writing. We always encourage the children to reread and edit their writing.
The areas of maths we will be covering this term are to read, write and count numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words. Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line. In addition and subtraction, children will represent number bonds to 20 and subtraction facts to 20. Recognise, name and identify properties of common 2-D and 3-D shapes.
The children will learn about their bodies, being able to name and identify parts of the body and children will observe changes that happen across the seasons.
Our first topic is all about me. The children will learn about their local area by being able to locate the school and other local features on a map, and take a trip to Park Parade.
If you would like some more information about our learning in the Autumn term, please look at the Curriculum News document.
Learning at home
Please record any reading at home in your child's reading record. We encourage the children to read at least four times a week, if they do, they will get a sticker put in their reading record. Once they have ten stickers, we congratulate them with a reading certificate. Most weeks your child will be heard to read twice so it is important to have the books in school. The children will often have already read the books they come home with at school that week, but it is important to reread books to develop fluency and understanding.
Home learning
Your child will have one piece of home learning a week, sent home on a Friday. This may be phonics, English, Maths or a topic based task.
Words for Writing
‘Words for Writing’ will be sent home on a Friday on a look, cover, write and check sheet for the children to complete. Please take a few minutes each day to complete a column rather than completing the whole sheet in one sitting. Little and often is considered a more effective approach for learning new words. The words will either be common exception words or based on a phonic pattern.
Our week
Children will visit the school library and will be able to choose a book to take home. These books must be brought back the following week for the children to swap these for new books.
‘Words for Writing’ will be collected. The children will be asked to spell these words and their results will be recorded on their sheet for you to see.
Home learning and reading records will be collected.
Children have gymnastics on a Thursday morning. In the second half of the Autumn term the children will have swimming. For swimming the children need a named swimming costume, hat, goggles and towel.
‘Words for Writing’ will be sent home, which will be returned to school the following Thursday.
The children will receive home learning to complete, which will be returned to school the following Thursday.
Reading records will be sent home with two new books.
Children have a games lesson Friday afternoon.
Other information
Please send in a named water bottle for classroom use, this is additional to the lunchtime drink. If you wish, you may also send in a named healthy snack for morning break. A piece of fruit or vegetable is provided for afternoon break.
Your child will be provided with an afternoon snack each day, which will be a piece of fruit or vegetable.
We would really appreciate it if your child could have a school book bag to bring all their home learning, words for writing and books to and from school. We like the book bags to go in drawers in the classroom so that the children do not need to go to the cloakroom to collect things.
A named PE kit and trainers should remain in school all the time. On colder days, children can wear jogging bottoms and jumpers outside.
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to make an appointment through the office, or send an email to and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Miss Smyth
KS1 Phonics and Reading Information Evening
Take a look at our Year 1 WOW! Writing by clicking the link below:
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