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Cedar Park School

Be Kind. Be Inspired. Believe.

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


Welcome back for a fun-filled Summer term!

Our PE slots for this half-term will be on Tuesday and Friday

 Full PE kit can be worn all day on these days.


The Curriculum News outlines the topics we will be focusing on in each area of the curriculum during the Spring Term and we hope you will continue to support your children at home with Homework activities, especially reading and learning multiplication tables. 

PE & Games - Children need to have the correct kit for outdoor games lessons. This should black shorts or jogging bottoms and a house T-shirt. When the weather is colder children can wear jumpers outside.

Uniform - I remind you that Children are expected to look smart at all times. Hair should be tied back with plain hair ties and clips of a colour which blends in with school uniform. Ear studs are permitted but nothing else.


Trips - We have a very exciting trip to Whipsnade zoo coming up in June!


Reading - I encourage you to continue to sign your child's reading record and ensure they are recording in it and returning it to me every Friday.


Below, is a picture of how we would like reading to be recorded in Year 4. This can be done by either the child or parent/carer, but we do ask that signatures to confirm reading are completed by an adult. 


Finally, please continue to share any concerns you may have as it is important to us that your child is happy in school. 

Miss Barker smiley