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Cedar Park School

Be Kind. Be Inspired. Believe.


Day 3 - Fun Friday 


Friday began with the difficult task of packing our rooms. Children showed real cooperation. When checking rooms all adults were pleasantly surprised that no items were left behind. 


Our first activity of the day required a huge amount of brain power - Orienteering. Everyone worked together to find the various markers. The growth in confidence with the children was particularly evident communicating effectively and navigating around the whole Woodrow site.


Before lunch children completed their last activity which was either pioneering or team challenge. Despite the sweltering temperatures, children tackled these valiantly supporting each other along the way. 


Our last meal of Mac and Cheese was delicious and was followed by a well earned ice lolly. All that was left to do was say goodbye. The children showed great kindness in thanking all those involved in the trip, including all of their parents! 


After a few games and a song or two parents arrive and our fun 3 days at Woodrow had come to a close.


Please ask your children all about the trip. We will be reflecting on our achievements back in school next week and hope to share some more photographs soon.






Day 2 - Baking and Brilliant 


Before any updates on our activities for the day, I would just like to congratulate all children in Year 5. They have shown excellent behaviour with all adults despite being hot, thirsty and a little tired. It has also been a pleasure to see children cooperating and supporting each other. 


Our first night at Woodrow was extremely hot but the children coped well and managed to get to sleep (some more than others). This morning, children took part in Low Ropes and Bushcraft. Both activities were great fun and we even managed to enjoy some popcorn over an open fire. Other activities that have been enjoyed today include: team challenge, pioneering and drop it, pop it.


Currently, children are: frantically removing as much dirt as possible, brushing their hair and changing into their best clothes. That can only mean one thing. Disco Time! 

Low Ropes (The Bottomless Chasm of Doom)

Day 1 - Fun in the Sun!


How lucky are Year 5! The weather has been glorious today. Children have settled into life at Woodrow through a variety of exciting activities. Firstly, thank you for dropping children off well-prepared and timely this morning. Our day began with a challenging scavenger hunt where we got to explore the whole site. After lunch, activities for both groups were Nightline and Archery. Both were fun for very different reasons! Children were thrilled to go to their rooms, which are almost 5* luxury, after asking all day. After a tasty dinner, children enjoyed the wonders of Wide Games in the much needed cooler temperature. Our first night was to come...time for sleep! 

Day 1

Woodrow 2022


​​​​​​Preparations are nearly finished, children are excited and the weather looks amazing for the rest of the week. Please check back each evening for a brief update on what we have all been getting up to at Woodrow.

