Is your child ready to start Nursery in September 2025?
If you are interested in applying for a place in the Nursery class and would like to join us, our Nursery open day is on the morning of the 15th October 2024 (09:30) and on the morning and evening of the 17th October (09:30 and 18:30) . The Headteacher, Luke Redman, will do his presentation which will be followed by a tour shortly after. There will be an opportunity to meet the class teacher and (weather permitting!) you will also have a chance to see our Forest School in action with a group session taking place. We anticipate the open morning to finish at 10:30 and evening session by 19:30.
Please reserve your space by registering here :
Spaces are limited and we have a number of names on the interest list.
If you have any questions please do contact the school office on 01494 711 918.
At Cedar Park, we have our very own Nursery, which can take up to 26 children.
We pride ourselves on being able to:
1. Offer 30 hour places.
2. Expose the children to a very experienced, high-quality teacher.
3. Easily transition children from Nursery to Reception.
Nursery has its own classroom within the EYFS department. The Nursery children learn phonics and mathematics separate from their Reception peers, but do benefit from being able to mix with the older children during child initiated times.
We have a fabulous outdoor area, where the children are able to explore and create, whilst building those crucial gross-motor skills. In addition to this outdoor area, Nursery children are taught Forest School in a separate part of the site. This is delivered by a qualified Forest School teacher.
A former Nursery parent said
"The experience at Cedar Park Nursery was a really positive one for our family. The children love the space (both indoor and outdoor) to learn, discover and play and the staff really care about each child, and respond to their different needs appropriately. We’ve had 2 children taught by Mrs Franek and she is absolutely wonderful. They both loved her sense of fun, kindness and approach to learning. We’re looking forward to putting our youngest in her capable hands next year!"
We are very proud of our Nursery and the children that belong to it. They get the crucial social, emotional and learning foundations needed to flourish in their school journey.