Year 6
The end of a chapter.
Our academic year may have been forced to end earlier than we expected, but we can still reflect on the many happy memories of our time in Year 6 and at Cedar Park. You have been a wonderful class to have taught and we are all grateful to you for your effort and attitude throughout the year. Next week, I will be able to share photos taken during the year and I hope to see you all when you meet for your party. However, for now, I hope that you stay positive and look forward to what will hopefully be a fantastic summer holiday before your journey continues at your next school.
Mr Spurway
A message to Year 6

Congratulations to those who have received awards! You can collect these before 1pm today (Wednesday 21st, July) or pop to the School Office at the start of the Autumn Term. Other items left in school will be taken to the Office and can be collected in the Autumn.
Useful documents
Useful links