Year 1
Butterflies - We have been watching the life cycle of butterflies in our class as our Science Clubs members we learning about them. We have watched them grow and now they have finally hatched.

Floating and Sinking experiment with materials.
Summer 2 Home Learning Grid
Science Experiment - What materials are waterproof?
Grace Darling Drama Workshop
Compound Words - Joining two words together to make a new word.
Welcome to the Year 1 page
We hope you have all had a fantastic Easter break and are ready for some more learning!
Year 1 team
Miss Smyth is the Year 1 class teacher and Mrs Cook teaches the children on Tuesday afternoon.
Summer Term learning
The first half terms book is The secret of Black Rock where we will look at writing a story and postcards. The second half term is based on The Last Wolf, where we will look at a story and recipes. Phonics lessons will take place daily and the children will take part in guided reading sessions twice a week. In writing, we will continue to encourage the children to use their phonics to spell words, and to use a word mat to learn the spellings of tricky words. We will focus on correct punctuation (capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks) when joining sentences to form longer pieces of writing. We always encourage the children to reread and edit their writing.
The areas of maths we will be covering this term are multiplication and division, fractions, position and direction, place value and measurement (money and time).
The children will continue learning about plants. Our other topic this term is everyday materials.
Our first topic is Grace Darling. The children will learn about Grace Darling’s life and compare it to their own. They will also learn about Grace’s famous rescue and think about why she is a famous person in history. We will also have a Grace Darling Day (Tuesday 16th May), where the children will travel back to the time to experience what her life was like and how she became famous. We will also be putting on a little performance to show at the end of the day for parents at 2.30pm. Our second topic is seaside holidays in the past. This is a history based topic where the children will use photographs as historical sources, to discover what seaside holidays were like during the Victorian era. They will also develop understanding as to why seaside holidays became so popular.
If you would like some more information about our learning in the Summer term, please look at the Curriculum News document.
Learning at home
Please record any reading at home in your child's reading record. We encourage the children to read at least four times a week, if they do, they will get a sticker put in their reading record. Once they have ten stickers, we congratulate them with a reading certificate.
Home learning
Your child will have one piece of home learning a week. This may be Phonics, English, Maths or a topic based task.
Our week
Children will go to the library to choose a book. This book is them returned the following Tuesday.
Home learning, reading records and books.
Children will have a swimming lesson on Thursday morning. For swimming the children need a named swimming costume, hat, goggles and towel. Please practice getting ready for swimming and getting changed after swimming too.
Home learning, reading records and new books and ‘Words for Writing’ will be sent home, which will be returned to school the following Wednesday.
Children will be asked to spell the words that they have learnt at home that week.
Other information
Please send in a named water bottle for classroom use, this is additional to the lunchtime drink. If you wish, you may also send in a named healthy snack for morning break. A piece of fruit or vegetable is provided for afternoon break.
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to make an appointment through the office, or send an email to and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Miss Smyth
Year 1 have a wonderful opportunity to take part in some football sessions over the next three weeks, so there is some changes to when the children need to come to school in PE kits.
The following days the children need to be in PE kits and the rest of the days they need to be in school uniform:
Friday 21st April - Football taster session - outside
Friday 28th April - Football taster session - outside
Friday 5th May - Football taster session - outside
Tuesday 9th May - Outdoor PE
Wednesday 17th May - Outdoor PE
Tuesday 23rd May - Outdoor PE
Local Walk Trip- We walked down to the local shops and collected data on transport. We looked at the different shops and jobs that are in the area. All of Year 1 have posted a letter home so keep an eye out for it arriving in the next few days.
Maths- This week we have been looking at measuring objects using non-standard units and CM.
Science Week- The theme was connections, so Year 1 looked at how bridges can connect places. In groups they had newspaper and masking tape and had to create a bridge that would hold a toy truck. They did a great job! Here are the bridges that they created in their teams.
World Book Day- We looked at lots of different stories and designed our own front covers to books
DT afternoon - We made split pin Paddington's to create our World Book Day door display
Music- We have been learning to play a new song this half term
Spring 2- Home Learning Grid
Gymnastics - In gymnastics we have been looking at different ways to travel, jump and balance on and off equipment.
NSPCC Number Day - We did a Maths challenge orienteering lesson and played snakes and ladders
Spring Term in Year 1
We hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break and we wish you all a Happy New Year. The Year 1 staff would like to say thank you to all who contributed to the gifts we were all given at the end of the Autumn term.
Year 1 team
Miss Smyth will be the Year 1 class teacher and Mrs Cook will teach the children on a Tuesday afternoon. Mrs Van will support the children in class in the mornings and Mrs Thompson will support the children in class in the afternoons.
Spring Term Learning
Our Topic:
We will look at a variety of animals and be able to sort them into different categories. We will also look in more depth into Bears, where the children will learn about different types of bears, their habitats and where in the world they live. We will also follow the journey of Paddington Bear. In the first half term, we will also study the history of Louis Braille, focusing on his contributions and achievements. Our Geography this term will be comparing the UK to Peru, studying the similarities and differences in human and physical features, animals and recognising landmarks in both countries. If you would like some more information about our learning in the Spring term, please look at the Curriculum News document.
Learning at home
Reading books and reading record will come home on a Friday and must be returned to school on the following Wednesday. We encourage the children to read at least four times a week, if they do, they will get a sticker put in their reading record. Once they have ten stickers, we congratulate them with a reading certificate. The children will often have already read the books they come home with at school that week, but it is important to reread books to develop fluency and understanding.
Library books will come home every Tuesday and returned the following Tuesday.
Home learning
In the first half term, your child will have one piece of home learning a week. It will be sent home on a Friday to be returned on the following Wednesday. This may be phonics, English, Maths, Science or a topic-based task. Second half term the children will be given a grid with different activities/ projects which they can complete at home and bring in to show at the end of the half term.
Our week
Monday: Children have indoor PE.
Tuesday: Children have outdoor PE. Children will visit the school library.
Wednesday: Home learning, reading books and reading record are due in.
Friday: Home learning and reading records, with two new books will be sent home, and will need to be returned to school the following Wednesday.
Other information
Please send in a named water bottle for classroom use, this is additional to the lunchtime drink. If you wish, you may also send in a named healthy snack for morning break. We will provide an afternoon snack of fruit or vegetable once this programme has restarted.
Please insure that lunchboxes are named and your child is able to open any contents of their lunchbox.
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to make an appointment through the office, or send an email to and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Miss Smyth
Spring Curriculum News
Merry Christmas from Year 1

Autumn 2 Home Learning Projects
Autumn 2 Home Learning Grid
Remembrance Day Poppy Wreath- We made a wreath together as a class
Perform4All Workshop

A surprise delivery in Year 1 today - a magical spell book

Year 1 fruit tasting day
Music Lessons
Science- Labelling the body parts
English- Major Gald and Major Dizzy Drama Lesson
Welcome to the Year 1 page
Welcome to Autumn term in Year 1. The children have settled in well with a great start to the year. We look forward to getting to know your children and progressing their learning through creative, fun and supportive learning.
Year 1 team
Miss Smyth is the Year 1 class teacher and Mrs Cook teaches the children on Tuesday afternoons. Mrs Van will support the children in the classroom each morning and Ms Thompson in the afternoons.
Autumn Term learning
In writing, we will continue to encourage the children to use their phonics to spell words, and to use a word mat to learn the spellings of tricky words. We will focus on correct punctuation (capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks) when joining sentences to form longer pieces of writing. We always encourage the children to reread and edit their writing.
The areas of maths we will be covering this term are to read, write and count numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words. Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line. In addition and subtraction, children will represent number bonds to 20 and subtraction facts to 20. Recognise, name and identify properties of common 2-D and 3-D shapes.
Our first topic is ‘All About Me’. The children will learn about their bodies, being able to name and identify parts of the body and children will observe changes that happen across the seasons. Children will also look at atlas’s and globes to find out where they live compared to the rest of the world.
If you would like some more information about our learning in the Autumn term, please look at the Curriculum News document.
Learning at home
Please record any reading at home in your child's reading record. We encourage the children to read at least four times a week, if they do, they will get a sticker put in their reading record. Once they have ten stickers, we congratulate them with a reading certificate. Most weeks your child will be heard to read twice so it is important to have the books in school. The children will often have already read the books they come home with at school that week, but it is important to reread books to develop fluency and understanding.
Home learning
Your child will have one piece of home learning a week, sent home on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. This may be phonics, English, Maths or a topic-based task.
Our week
Children will visit the school library and will be able to choose a book to take home. These books must be brought back the following week for the children to swap these for new books.
Children will have PE on this day.
Home learning and reading records will be collected in.
Home Learning and reading records will be sent home, which will be returned to school the following Wednesday.
Other information
Please send in a named water bottle for classroom use, this is additional to the lunchtime drink. You may also send in a named healthy snack for morning break.
Your child will be provided with an afternoon snack each day to eat during our afternoon breaktime, which will be a piece of fruit or vegetable.
We would really appreciate it if your child could have a suitably sized bag (large enough for an A4 book) to bring all their home learning, and books to and from school.
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to make an appointment through the office, or send an email to and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Miss Smyth J