Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 1. We look forward to getting to know your children and progressing their learning through creative, fun and engaging activities.
Year 1 Team
Mrs Franklin is the Year 1 class teacher and Mrs Cook teaches the children on Tuesday mornings. Mrs Sirrell and Ms Sibley will support the children from Monday to Thursday with Mrs Wilson being in class on a Friday.
Autumn Term learning
Phonics - we will revise the Basics 3 sounds and spend some time working on Basics 4 which involves the children blending and segmenting words using their sounds. We will move onto Basics 5 Choose to Use sounds where the children will be introduced to new ways of spelling some sounds that they have already met. We will be using the Supersonic Friends scheme for our phonics learning.
Reading – the children will usually be heard to read twice a week using a decodable phonics book.
Writing - we will continue to encourage the children to use their phonics to spell words, and to use a word mat to learn the spellings of tricky words. We will focus on correct punctuation (capital letters, finger spaces and full stops) and on combining clauses using ‘and’ to make longer sentences. We will look at adding ‘s’ to make plural nouns and adding ‘ed’ to make past tense verbs. We always encourage the children to reread and edit their writing. Our writing is based on texts from the Read 2 Write scheme which are Paper Planes for the first half term and Rapunzel for the second half term.
In maths we will be learning to read, write and count using numbers from 1 to 10. We will identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, tens frames and part, part, whole models. In addition and subtraction, children will represent number bonds to 10 and subtraction facts to 10. Later in the term they will learn to recognise, name, and identify properties of common 2-D and 3-D shapes.
Our first topic is ‘All About Me’. The children will learn about their bodies, being able to name and identify parts of the body and in the second half term the children will observe changes that happen across the seasons.
If you would like some more information about our learning of other curriculum subjects in the Autumn term, please look at the Curriculum News document (coming soon).
Learning at home
The children will bring home 3 books weekly. One is a library book, chosen by the children themselves to read for pleasure. The other two will be decodable books to support their reading fluency and comprehension. One of these books will be previously unseen and the other will have been read in class. Please record any reading at home in your child's reading record. We encourage the children to read at least four times a week; if they do, they will get a sticker put in their reading record. Once they have ten stickers, we congratulate them with a reading certificate.
Our week
- Mrs Cook will be teaching in Year 1 on Tuesday mornings.
- Children will visit the school library and will be able to choose a book to take home. These books must be brought back the following week for the children to swap these for new books.
- Children will have PE on this day.
- Reading books and reading records will be collected in.
- Children will have PE on this day.
- Reading books and reading records will be sent home, which will be returned to school the following Wednesday.
Other information
Please send in a named water bottle for classroom use; this is additional to the lunchtime drink. You may also send in a named healthy snack for morning break.
Your child will be provided with an afternoon snack each day to eat during our afternoon breaktime, which will be a piece of fruit or vegetable.
We would really appreciate it if your child could have a suitably sized bag (large enough for an A4 book) to bring their books to and from school.
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to make an appointment through the office or send an email to and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Mrs Franklin