Year 3
Year 3
Congratulations for completing your home learning over the past few months. You have all worked so hard and we are very proud of you all!
Mrs Harper and Mrs McLoughlin
Please read this important leaflet about water safety - Thank you
Home Learning During School Closure: Wherever possible, home-learning will be updated each day on this class page.
Year 3 Clay texture tiles based on observational drawings of local buildings of significance.
Summer Term
We have been really impressed with the learning that is being sent into school.
Well done year 3!
Please see below some addional links for new activities.
Online Internet Safety Activities to do at home with your child
Fun Premier Sport Fitness challenges/classes to do at home
This is the link to their website where you can sign in for free downloads, activities etc:
Premier Sports have also set up on YouTube. They have recorded Activity Professional lead home learning videos as part of their commitment to get children active at home.
This is the link to the YouTube channel:
Please see the email address below. This has been set up to use during the school closure time, so that the children can use it to send in any letters, questions or examples of learning.
This email is specifically dedicated for the children to use to contact your class teachers. If parents have any messages or queries for school then please still direct them to the school office email address as usual.
Best Wishes
Mrs Harper and Mrs McLoughlin
Staff in Year 3
Class Teachers - Mon/Tues - Mrs Harper and Wed/Thurs/Fri - Mrs McLoughlin
Assistant- Mrs Sirrell
What our week looks like:
- Reading records handed in
- Home Learning diaries handed in
- Children visit the school library every other week
Please ensure that diaries and records are completed and signed weekly
- PE
- Cracking Times Tables test
- Spelling test
- Home learning (Maths and English) is sent home on a Friday and will be collected in the following Friday.
- Project home learning will be given out once a half-term and will be related to the topic.
- Spellings sent home
Useful information:
Home Learning Diaries
Your child will record home learning and notices in their home learning diary, so please check them regularly. Their diary will need to go between home and school daily. The diary is a great communication tool between teacher and parents, so please feel free to write any non-urgent messages in it. Please sign them at the weekend and we will check and sign your child’s diary on a Monday. The children will write ‘No home learning’ so parents know their child hasn’t forgotten to write it down.
Please continue to listen to your child read and record this in their reading record. We encourage the children to read as much as possible and to read a range of different types of books. If your child reads four times a week for four weeks, they will receive a sticker in their reading record.
Pen Licence
The children will be working towards getting a pen licence in Year 3. When they have demonstrated that their handwriting is consistently joined and neat they will get their pen licence. Once they have a pen licence they can use pen for their writing but will continue to use a pencil for underlining using a ruler and in maths. The children are all very excited about earning their pen licence.
Cracking Times Tables
The children will have a 3 minute times table test on a Thursday morning. The ability to recall facts accurately and at speed is a valuable skill, which pupils will apply to various aspects of maths. Children will start at level 1 and move up each successive level when they have achieved full marks in their weekly test. The tests are more challenging as the levels progress. A letter will be coming home shortly to provide you with some more information. Your child will bring home their test sheets each week so that you can see how they are progressing and any areas for focus.
New spellings will be stuck into your child’s home spelling book on a Friday to learn for the following Thursday. These words should be practised in their home spelling books three times. Activities may include, copying the words out using the look, cover, write and check method, writing words in sentences, rainbow writing (using a different colour for each letter) or looking words up in a dictionary. The spellings will either follow a spelling pattern or they will be the Year 3 common exception words.
- The children have PE on a Thursday afternoon this term.
- After half-term the children will have PE on a Wednesday and swimming again on a Thursday.
The children should have their PE kits in school at all times. Earrings must be taken out for PE, we recommend that earrings are not worn on PE days.
Children should present themselves smartly and set a good example at all times. Hair should be tied back with plain hair ties. If your child wears earrings, please ensure they are small studs.
If your child wishes they can bring in a healthy snack to eat during morning break time.
Please be reminded that we are a nut free school and request no nut products in lunchboxes or for snacks.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the school office.
Mrs Harper and Mrs McLoughlin
Take a look at our Year 3 WOW! Writing by clicking the link below:
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