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Cedar Park School

Be Kind. Be Inspired. Believe.

Year 5

Hi Year 5,

Please have a look at the above pdf document and read all about water safety and how you can stay safe around water!

Have a go at some sports challenges using this link:


Let me know how you get on!

Art: Van Gogh


In art we studied the life of the famous Dutch artist, Vincent Van Gogh. We painted our own versions of his famous painting, which was called 'Starry Night', thinking carefully about the use of colour and brushstroke techniques, to get the same effect.

Map Skills


We have been looking at how maps are used to record the geographical features of an area. We have investigated the keys and symbols commonly used on maps, grid references, scale and contour lines. To help us understand how contour lines describe physical features and elevation we have created 3D models from a map.

Welcome to Year 5!

Staff in Year 5:
Teacher- Miss Campanini
Teacher (Wednesday afternoons) – Mrs Carmichael, who will be teaching RE, PSHE and French for this term.
Teaching Assistant (mornings) Mr Schofield

Teaching Assistant (afternoons) Mrs Ward

I am looking forward to working alongside these members of staff, who have a lot of experience between them.

The Curriculum News for Spring (attached below) will outline the topics and areas of study for this term, which you may like to explore at home as well.
Other Useful Information:

· PE and Games this half term will be Dance on a Monday afternoon and Swimming on a Thursday morning.  Please make sure that your child’s kit is in school for the correct times.

Swimming kit must include towel, goggles, a swimming hat and no earrings are allowed in the pool. It is important that the children come to school with the correct PE kit. This should include trainers (clean trainers or plimsolls for indoor lessons), black shorts and a house T-shirt. On colder days, children can wear jogging bottoms and jumpers outside.

· Reading Records and Home learning diaries will be checked on a Monday and I look forward to giving out lots of Reading Reward stickers. Parents are asked to read and discuss texts with children and record up to 4 sessions a week in the Reading Record Book. The children can record for themselves when they read alone, as long as a parent signature is provided underneath the four entries. There must be a parent signature at the end of each week in their Home Learning Diaries.
· Our class Library slot is on a Tuesday, so this will be the day for changing your books, if necessary.

· In this half term, we will be doing our project home learning again. Every fortnight, the children will choose 1 project to complete out of 4 choices. They will complete 3 across the half term. Details to follow soon.
· Spellings will be set and tested on a Thursday, sometimes based on a spelling rule.
·  I would strongly recommend lots of times tables practice and reading and comprehension if you would like to do more.
· Home learning diaries will need to go between home and school daily so please check them regularly and feel free to use this as a method to communicate with me, if needs be.

'Working together to be the best we can.'

Miss Campanini

Take a look at our Year 5 WOW! Writing by clicking the link below: