Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
Update 18/04/19: The sun is shining and the summer term is about to begin. Two and a half weeks to SATs and then all the excitement that follows that. You really can make a difference in the next few weeks to how you do in your SATs so keep up all the home learning and do the best you can. Lots of info will be out soon on the Residential, Production and the M&S Project which we will do a class assembly on. As a taster though, there is a link to the online exhibition and a video below. This term's curriculum news will be added on here shortly. I hope you have a great last term at Cedar Park and that we can send you off to your new schools with many happy memories. Please see below for updated info on PE days etc.
Congratulations on reaching the top of the School! A very busy and exciting year lies ahead and Mrs Small and I are very much looking forward to experiencing Year 6 with you and preparing you for Secondary School. We will be hitting the ground running as there is so much to squeeze in this year. I can’t wait for the River Dart Residential and School Production in the Summer but know we have got a lot of learning to do before we get there. I am sure we will all work together to make your last year at Cedar Park a special one.
Our PE slot for this half-term will be on a Wednesday but the children should have their PE kit in school at all times as this is very flexible in and around SATs. We plan to be outside for our Wednesday session so please make sure you have the correct clothing in school. On Thursdays we will be swimming this half term so please have your kit in each week. Mrs Palmer will be taking Year 6 on Thursday afternoons this half term, to cover my PPA time, and will be focusing on the Mayans topic.
The Curriculum News, available on this web page, outlines the topics we will be focusing on in each area of the curriculum during the Summer Term and we hope you will continue to support your children at home with Home Learning activities, especially reading and learning multiplication tables. There continues to be a greater emphasis on spelling, punctuation and grammar in ALL areas of the curriculum so please encourage children to proof-read all their writing and speak in grammatically correct sentences.
In Year 6, children continue to be encouraged to take responsibility for their personal organisation and need to make sure they come to school well-rested and prepared to learn. Although we will always have resources for children who forget things, I must stress that they need to have a handwriting pen, at least one pencil, a ruler and a rubber. As drawer space is limited, it is helpful if children have a pencil case with just the essentials.
Reading Record Books - Parents are asked to continue to read and discuss texts with children and record a minimum of 4 sessions a week in the Reading Record Book, which will be checked on Mondays. Children should have their reading book in school daily. We will visit the Library when required but children will always have the opportunity to change their books.
Homework Diaries - There will be regular Home Learning and we often follow up Home Learning the following day so please ensure your child completes tasks by the given deadlines. Children should write Home Learning and any reminders in their Homework Diary every day. If there is no Home Learning they should write “No HW” so parents know they haven’t just forgotten to write it down! Please sign the diaries over the weekend as these will be checked on Monday each week. This is an excellent way to communicate too, so feel free to send any non-urgent messages using it. Diaries should be in school every day.
PE & Games - Children need to have the correct kit for swimming, indoor and outdoor games lessons. This should include trainers (clean trainers or plimsolls for indoor lessons), black shorts and a house T-shirt. When the weather is colder children can wear jogging bottoms and jumpers outside.
Uniform - I remind you that Children are expected to set a good example and look smart at all times as the younger children look up to the Year 6s as role models. Hair should be tied back with plain hair ties and clips of a colour which blends in with school uniform. Ear studs are permitted but nothing else.
Trips - We plan to be visiting Reading Museum in the Autumn term, Hazard Alley in the Spring term and of course River Dart in the Summer term. Please watch out for letters with further information.
River Dart - More information will follow throughout the year and the talk is this term. If you have any questions please ask and I will do my best to answer them.
Finally, please continue to share any concerns you may have as it is important to us that your child is happy in school, especially during their final year!
'Working together to be the best we can.'
Mr Smith
River Dart Residential
M&S Project
M&S Display