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Cedar Park School

Be Kind. Be Inspired. Believe.

School Clubs

Click on the links below to see the exciting activities that are happening in our school.


Clubs and Activities


We have a very wide range of extra - curricular club and activities available to children at Cedar Park School.  We talk to children about their interests and try to organise clubs that will be popular and accessible for the different year groups.  Clubs cater for all tastes and include music, art, languages and sport.

We are very pleased to welcome the sports coaches from Premier Sports to our school. They will be supporting the children at lunchtimes and developing positive playtime activites for all. Positive play is based on a set of activities that the children can join in with to learn new games and become more active at lunchtimes. Anyone and everyone can join in if they choose to. During these sessions the children will be learning valuable qualities through the Positive Play Contract and developing ideas they can then use in other break times.

The Positive Play Contract:

Respect  Patience  Kindness  Trust  Support 




Sports 4 Kids Wraparound Care